FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the purpose of CLA?
Container Ledger Account is a patented solution to simplify container deposit management process between CLA Principal (Shipping Line / Shipping Agent / NVOCC) and CLA Subscriber (Consignee/Freight Forwarder/Broker/CFS Operator/Warehousing) via CLAPortal, www.clap.id and to speed-up container deposit refunds within 3 working days upon the approval of Shipping Line / Shipping Agent / NVOCC.

2. Is CLA mandatory?
No. CLA is voluntary participation by the CLA Principal and CLA Subscriber.

3. Why should I use CLAP?
You can plan upfront to prioritize and manage all your overdue invoices for the timely release of Container DO (Delivery Order).

4. What are the main advantages of CLAP?
A. Boost Cash flow.
  • Pay only for those overdue invoices to ensure the timely release of Container DO (Delivery Order).
B. Slash Expenses.
  • Make online payment for invoices and reconcile payment with your bank statement.
C. Enhanced Efficiency
  • Enables you to view payment history for an efficient payment tracking at your end.
  • Speed-up the timeline to request for DO release by maintaining sufficient amount in CLA to pay for overdue and outstanding invoices.
  • Enabled you to manage the invoices for every individual container, track the outstanding status and print receipts.

5. What are the container related charges covered by CLA?
CLA covers container Detention and Damage charges only.

6. Does the current billing process change?
No. CLA Principal will continue to issue invoice directly to CLA Subscriber for any charges incurred.

7. How does CLA Principal make a claim from CLA?
The claim process is online through CLA Portal (www.clap.id). If CLA Subscriber has not paid for the invoice within the credit period, then CLA Principal may submit a claim to CLA Portal. Subsequently, the claim amount will be paid to CLA Principal on behalf of CLA Subscriber.

8. What are the criteria for Consignee / Freight Forwarder / Broker / CFS Operator / Warehousing to join CLA?
Consignee / Freight Forwarder / Broker / CFS Operator / Warehousing will have to complete the CLA registration online, www.clap.id. However, the approval is subjected to internal risk assessment and at the discretion of PT Container Ledger Account.

9. Is the CLA Fees deducted from CLA Deposit?
No. The CLA fees has to be paid separately upon request for CLA Release.

10. How does CLA Subscriber make a request for Refund?
Upon container return to Depot/Port, thereafter CLA Subscriber may request for refund through our CLA Portal (www.clap.id).

11. Are there any supporting documents required for refund?
No. All information is available on www.clap.id

Revision 1, December 2024